Vadu Laboratories

vadu molecular lab


Vadu Laboratories are asset for the Vadu Rural Health Program (VRHP), KEM Hospital Research Centre, Pune. There are two Laboratory setups at VRHP; one – The research laboratory housed within the VRHP building and the second laboratory is housed within the Shirdi Sai Baba Rural Hospital, Vadu. The laboratory comprises of a team of seven qualified and trained people supervised by an experienced laboratory manager.

Research laboratory supports all projects conducted at Vadu for sample processing and storage. It has excellent infrastructure equipped with state of the art instruments including laminar air flow cabinet, cold centrifuge, thermo cycler (PCR machine), range of refrigerators and deep freezers with enough back up instruments. A Molecular Biology Laboratory which facilitates various molecular techniques such as isolation, separation and detection of DNA and RNA is functioning at Vadu Research laboratory.

Another laboratory to cater to the needs of the population for diagnostics is set up in the hospital which is well equipped with hi tech medical diagnostics equipments. It serves as a designated microscopy center for the National Tuberculosis Control Program.


1.1 Area and Infrastructure:

Vadu has a two dedicated air conditioned research laboratory set ups; one for the primary sample processing and other exclusively for genomic sample processing. These well furnished laboratories are maintained as per the guidelines for Good Laboratory Practices (GLP). The laboratories have dedicated space at the entrance which is utilized to wear aprons and slippers before entering in the main laboratory. The laboratories have well established running water facility and a proper drainage system. All instruments in the laboratory have 24 hours electrical support.

Another setup includes hospital laboratory which is housed within the Shirdi Sai Baba Rural Hospital building for better access to the patients and the medical doctors. It is divided into 5 room’s viz. Sample collection, Ultra Sound, X-ray, Colposcopy and Sample processing room. A waiting area is present outside the laboratory.

1.2 Facilities and Documentation:

Vadu Laboratory has a 24 hours temperature monitoring system. Monitoring is performed manually as well as using temperature loggers. 24 hours electricity back up is available in case of any electricity failure. The laboratory has a dedicated computer system with 24 hours wireless internet connection for data entry and management. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are developed by the team that are reviewed by experts and approved by the relevant Head of the Department. These SOPs get reviewed and amended as per the requirements. All laboratory personnel are trained according to SOP’s before starting any new activity. Instrument logs are maintained regularly to keep the accountability of the use of instruments. Logs of other activity like bio-waste disposal, fumigation of laboratory, defrosting of deep freezer etc. are also maintained and updated regularly.

1.3 Instruments:

The laboratory is equipped with state of art instruments which include cold centrifuges (Hettich Rotina 320R and 380R), bio safety cabinets (Class II Microfilt), gradient thermo cycler (PCR machine), Autoclave, Electrophoresis unit, UV transilluminator, Ice Flaker, Hot air Oven, Water purification system (Milipore), pH meter, Vortex, etc. Other diagnostic related equipments includes Blood mixer, Water bath, Microscope (BLEXCO), Colorimeter (HANS 111KanadVidyut), Cell counter (HORIBA ABX .Micros 60), Incubators, Colposcope (ASCON). All the samples processed in our lab are barcoded with a specialized bar code printer. All instruments are registered under the Annual Maintenance and Calibration Contract (AMC) with the provider and maintained as per the Generic Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of Vadu. Emergency contact details for maintenance of all instruments are indicated on ‘instrument information card’ affixed on each instrument so as to contact the engineer in case of any failure or problem.

1.4 Sample storage facility (Bio repository):

The laboratory has a good sample and vaccines storage facility which comprises of nine Deep freezers (-20 and -80 ◦C), two Ice line refrigerators (2-8 ◦C - -20◦C) and eight refrigerators (2-8 ◦C).The temperature of all refrigerators and deepfreezes are monitored for 24hrs and maintained as per the generic SOPs.

1.5 Laboratory personnel:

The team of research laboratory encompasses people from various scientific background viz. Health Sciences, Biotechnology, Microbiology and Chemistry. This helps us to keep hold on all laboratory related activities which requires variety of expertise. Various proficiency enables smooth functioning of day to day activities under GLP/GCP guidelines. All personnel working in laboratory are GCP trained. All the personnel in the lab are trained by IATA (International air transport association) to facilitate shipment of samples in cold conditions.

1.6 Routine activities in Research Laboratory:

Various samples like blood, oral swab, throat swab, dried blood spot, urine etc. are processed at Vadu Laboratory. The sample collection takes place in sample collection room and is performed by the trained laboratory technicians. All these samples are processed, barcoded, stored and shipped to the testing laboratory as per their requirement. All these activities at Vadu Laboratory are performed according to the Generic SOPs. The processing ranges from sample aliquoting to purified genomic product and further processing.

1.7 Data Management:

All laboratory data generated is managed and stored in the form of hard copy in the laboratory cabinets and electronically in the laboratory computer. Various electronic trackers are maintained for sample flow. Monthly back up of laboratory data is taken on the external hard disk.

1.8 Audits:

Study specific inspections and audits are conducted on regular basis to assess progress of the respective studies. Vadu research laboratory has already passed 2 study specific WHO audits. An important element of such audits is the review of regulatory compliance and the training of individuals working in the laboratory. All genomics samples processed at Vadu laboratory qualified the bioanalyser tests performed by a CSIR laboratory.

1.9 Safety:

Laboratory coats, hand gloves, face masks, caps and slippers are used while working in the laboratory for safety purpose. Laboratory is equipped with a fire extinguisher which is easily accessible. Bio-waste is disposed off as per the generic SOP. Vaccination of laboratory personnel is done regularly with appropriate vaccines.


2.1 Facilities:

We can offer a range of sample processing facilities for biomedical research and diagnostics which includes collection of various human samples, aliquoting and storage of samples, processing for DNA and RNA, Polymerase chain reactions (PCR), RT PCR, basic microbiological processing, sample repositories, sample documentation etc. Molecular diagnostics and sample processing for cell line culturing is another upcoming capacity of our laboratory.

2.2 Routine tests performed in Clinical Laboratory:

Routine activities in the laboratory facilitate analysis of various tests. Regular tests performed are-

  • Hematology: - Complete Blood Cell Count. Bleeding time & Clotting Time (BTCT), Pro-thrombin Time (PT), Malaria Parasite (MP), Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR).
  • Biochemical Test: - Sugar, Bilirubin, Calcium, SGPT, SGOT, AlkPo4, Creatinine, Uric acid, Urea, Cholesterol, Lipid profile.
  • Serology:- HIV (Tri-Dot), RA factor, CRP, VDRL, HbsAg, Widal test, ASO titer.
  • Blood Banking:-Blood group, Comb Test, Cross Matching.
  • Urine Examination: - Physical, Chemical & Microscopic examination, Bile salt & Bile pigment (BS/BP), Pregnancy Test.
  • Other Test: - Examination of Sputum, Stool & Semen. Montex Test, IUI.
  • Sonography for USG, Abdomen, and Pelvis are performed regularly.
  • Colposcope is used for the diagnosis of CERVICAL CANCER (CACX)
  • X-Ray scanning for Chest, Elbow Joint, Knee Joint, Hand, Foot, Fore arm, Shoulder, Hip Joint, Neck, Wrist, Spine etc. is also performed regularly
  • Electro Cardio Gram is also performed regularly. 
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