Our Associations


  1. Bharat Biotech International Ltd.
  2. Chest Research Foundation, Pune
  3. Christian Medical College, Vellore
  4. CHRD, Society for Applied Sciences, New Delhi
  5. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi
  6. Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi
  7. Geo-informatics Department of Geography, Pune University
  8. Institute of Genomics & Interactive Biology, New Delhi
  9. Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi
  10. International Institute of Information Technology, Pune
  11. Maharashtra Association of Anthropological Scienecs, Pune
  12. National AIDS Research Institute, Pune
  13. National Centre for Cell Sciences, Pune
  14. National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
  15. National Institute of Virology, Pune
  16. Public Health Foundation of India, New Delhi.
  17. Serum Institute of India Ltd., Pune
  18. St. John's Medical College, Bangalore
  19. Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
  20. University of Pune, Department of School of Health Sciences


  1. University of Edinburgh, UK
  2. University of California, Berkley
  3. Centre for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, USA
  4. Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, UmeƄ University, Sweden
  5. Hellar Kellar International, New York
  6. Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada
  7. Imperial College, London
  8. Johns Hopkins University and Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA
  9. INDEPTH: International Network of Field Sites with Continuous Demographic Evaluation of Populations and Their Health in Developing Countries, Accra, Ghana
  10. London School of hygiene & Public Health, UK
  11. Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), Seattle, USA
  12. School of Public Health, University of California, USA
  13. Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel
  14. Umea University, Sweden
  15. Vanderbilt Univeristy, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
  16. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland



Additionally, in a country like India, where health is a state subject; it is important that policy dialogue happens at national as well as State level. KEM has been directly working with the government for effective implementation of many locally and nationally relevant public health programs. It is essential to translate research results into policy as well as conduct relevant research to answer questions posed by policymakers, hence, KEMHRC has always strived to communicate and interact with policy makers and support in whatever ways possible. KEMHRC has developed partnership with the state government health services for health care delivery in public health which has made it possible to conduct studies like Rotavirus vaccine study and management of PSBI. The PHCs and health work-force in the government setup have been trained such that the conduct of research studies are complementary to regular healthcare delivery.

KEMHRC is recognized as research center by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (Government of India). All applicants/partners have been in partnership with national level institutions including the Indian Council of Medical Research, the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India.



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