Vadu Journal Club

What is Vadu Journal Club (Vadu JC)?

Vadu Journal Club was initiated in August 2010 as a platform for research enthusiasts to present published papers from peer-reviewed journals. The aim of this club is to provide scientists an opportunity to improve upon their presentation skills and scientific knowledge as well as their skills for scientific criticism. This activity also provides a platform for researchers to interact with fellow researchers and discuss current research.

When is Vadu JC conducted?

Vadu JC is conducted every second and fourth Tuesdays of every month. The session commences in the first half of the day and lasts for at least an hour.

What is the mode of Communication for Vadu JC?

A mailing list of all staff members is stored in an online forum!forum/vadujournalclub. Notification related to the journal club activity, new opportunities, scientific information, etc. are provided through an email on the forum. Any change in the Vadu JC is notified by Vadu JC administrators to all the researchers through an email from  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How to participate in Vadu JC?

Participation will be in the form of seminars, presentations, discussions, criticism, debate, etc. All interested need to provide email ids to the administrator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  for receiving timely notifications.

Who presents in Vadu JC?

We expect members from every study/project to participate in this activity. The project manager from each project is required to nominate researchers from their respective projects to present at Vadu JC every fortnight in rotation. The administrator declares the responsibility for every fortnight. Every study/project will be given a reasonable opportunity to participate.

What will be presented at Vadu JC?

Vadu JC is a scientific platform that provides researchers an opportunity to explore significant developments in the research area of their interest. Researchers are required to present articles with significant findings, methods, or concepts that are published in national and international peer-reviewed journals. This will be followed by an interactive session where the article will be discussed for its merit and criticized accordingly. However, apart from scientific papers, interesting and scientifically related material like talks, debates, discussions, reports, amendments could be presented based on the context with prior approval from the administrator.


What are the Benefits?

In addition to the transfer of knowledge, members will receive a platform to develop their presentation and communication skills. Member’s active involvement in Vadu JC may be considered as an element for future academic opportunities such as participation in national and international workshops, training, and higher education. This may also be considered as criteria for yearly staff assessment/appraisals and promotions.


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