Title: Stakeholder Engagement

VRHP staff has been conducting community meetings to provide information about prevention and management of Covid-19 infection in rural areas. These meetings are being held with community representatives in villages, with all precautions being taken to prevent infection of Covid-19.VRHP staff, that includes a doctor, community engagement champion and field workers, discuss about signs and symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and patient-care of Covid-19 infection as well as post-Covid-19 care. Community representatives share their perspectives and experiences regarding Covid-19. Government helpline numbers, as well as contact details of VRHP staff, are shared with community representatives. The aim of these meetings is to ensure that appropriate information regarding Covid-19 infection is shared with rural communities.

COVID-19 Update

1. Covishield study

2. COVOVAX study adults

3.COVOVAX Pediatric cohort study 

4. Social drivers of acceptance and rejection of protective measures against Covid-19 infection in the community Read More...

5. Covid-19 Sero-Surveillance Studies

6. Support to Public Health System

7. Stakeholder Engagement

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eg. (Mark Calcara)
eg. (yourname@domain.com)
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