Title: Social drivers of acceptance and rejection of protective measures against Covid-19 infection in the community

Overarching Aim: To explore and understand the level of awareness on COVID 19 disease as well as attitudes and practices of people that can positively or negatively impact the prevention and control of COVID 19 disease on the backdrop of various social, cultural, societal and familial drivers that can affect their acceptance or rejection in urban and rural communities around Pune city in India

Objectives: 1.To measure the level of awareness about and Covid-19 in rural and semi-urban community in rural Pune district of Maharashtra 2. To identify attitudes and practices that might positively or negatively impact prevention and control of Covid-19 in the community

Methods: This was a cross-sectional observational study that includes remote data collection through telephonic interviews in the Vadu health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS) Adults, i.e., individuals older than 18 years and residents of the Vadu HDSS area were eligible for participation. A questionnaire was used to address the study objectives. We assessed the knowledge and level of awareness of study participants about the Covid-19 infection, including transmission routes, symptoms, treatment and preventive measures. We collected data on sources of information about the Covid-19 infection and participants` trust in these information systems. We asked participants about their attitudes towards and actual practices regarding prevention and control measures against Covid-19 infection. Trained Field research assistants (FRA) conducted telephonic interviews to administer the questionnaire, wherein they asked questions over telephone and entered responses into an electronic tablet. This study collected data from 1000 participants.

Status: Data collection completed. Data analysis and manuscript-writing ongoing

COVID-19 Update

1. Covishield study

2. COVOVAX study adults

3.COVOVAX Pediatric cohort study 

4. Social drivers of acceptance and rejection of protective measures against Covid-19 infection in the community Read More...

5. Covid-19 Sero-Surveillance Studies

6. Support to Public Health System

7. Stakeholder Engagement

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